Relax Into It, Just Be. Here is The Peace You’ve Been Searching For

Not only shall you find peace; you’ll realize that you ARE peacefulness Itself.

The Soul’s Atlas
2 min readJul 31, 2024
Photo by Author

All the seeking, all the searching, all the effort, and yet you still entertain the ceaseless chatter of the mind. Daily, it seems now, the waves of intense emotions arise and fall without end; they’re impossible to subdue.

Where is this peace and bliss, you’re working so hard for?

Perhaps, it’s been present all along and you’re simply overlooking its subtle nature. Peace and the Joy of Being aren’t like chaos and the ego, they need not announce themselves upon arrival.

What follows is a deeper dive into what we are doing (or non-doing) here.

Relax. This which we speak of is effortless. As The Christ said, Come unto me all ye who are weary. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Consider these phrases you’re likely over-familiar with:

be aware of awareness

awareness of being

abide in the I Am


remain centered

All of the above likely register within your mind as commands, insinuating effort. Yet, in truth, these are not calls to action, but rather, gentle pointers towards surrender. It is a letting go, a non-doing.

To whom does this effort befall anyways? You are That which is beyond.

All there is to do is absolutely nothing.

Being is effortless. The flower blooms in its own time, naturally. Effort is entirely foreign within nature and man is no exception. We could in turn say, let go of everything known to you, everything you’ve accumulated thus far, all the learned ignorance. It’s comparable to staring into the dark abyss and finally taking the plunge.

But instead of the anticipated freefall, you find that you’ve fallen into an open Heart. You’re being cradled by the infinitely loving arms of God.


Let go

Just be

Don’t do anything, for your very nature is the light of awareness.

“In the light of calm and steady self-awareness inner energies wake up and work miracles without effort on your part.” — Nisargadatta Maharaj

Be willing to neither give up nor compromise anything for Awareness. But for Awareness, be willing to let go of the entirety of your world, absolutely.

— Thank you for taking the time to hear from me, I greatly appreciate it and you. For more inspiring writings such as this, feel free to clap (up to 50x), subscribe, and follow. Happy Dreams, my loved ones.

Tyler C. Newman

Find your sanctuary and more Universal Love and Peace-Centered content on my Instagram: @the.souls.atlas



The Soul’s Atlas

The Soul's Atlas is your sanctuary of Universal Love and Inner Peace, bringing forth timeless wisdom from throughout the ages. —Tyler C. Newman