“Stop the Chase and be a Witness.”

An excerpt from “Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life” By: Dr. Wayne Dyer

The Soul’s Atlas
2 min readFeb 13, 2022

Here lately during times of stillness in my life, I find myself ultimately drawn to the conclusion that one particular area needs attention more than others.

-Not giving in to my every desire.

Don’t get me wrong, great progress has been made as a result of my discipline. Still, if I truly want the life I seek, I know more effort is required.

When reflecting on our core values, we often fail to acknowledge that we value pleasure. Usually, a bit too much.

While reading tonight, I came across a page that seemed to speak to me directly. I felt an obligation to share it in hopes that it speaks to others as well.

“The more you pursue your desires, the more they’ll elude you. try letting life come to you and begin to notice the clues that what you crave is on its way. You’re in a constant state of receiving because of the ceaseless generosity of the eternal Tao. The air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, the sunshine that warms you, the nutrients that keep your body alive, and even the thoughts that fill your mind are all gifts from the eternal Tao. Stay appreciative of all that you receive, knowing that it flows from an all-providing Source. Stop the chase and become a witness- soothe your demanding habits by refusing to continue running after more. By letting go, you let God; and even more significantly, you become more like God and less like the ego, with its lifetime practice of edging God out.” -Dr. Wayne Dyer



The Soul’s Atlas

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